Respiration abdominale inversée : intérêt dans les lombalgies, sciatiques et rachialgies, et dans les manutentions de charges
Arnaud Choplin, Roland Sultana, Thierry Rubino, Didier Balladur
Kinésithér Scient 2006,472:7-13 - 10/12/2006
La respiration abdominale inversée est pratiquée depuis des millénaires dans certaines techniques de gymnastique chinoise de type Qi Gong. Elle est enseignée dans de nombreuses écoles du dos étrangères lors des manutentions de charges lourdes ou de patients. L'Association nationale française de ergothérapeutes la préconise également depuis plusieurs années. Mais la plupart des publications françaises ignorent son importance.
Cet article a pour but de sensibiliser les kinésithérapeutes francophones et par leur intermédiaire les patients à l'importance de cette technique dans le traitement et la prévention des lombalgies et des dorsalgies.
Reversed abdominal breathing : interest in the lumbagos, sciatic nerves and rachialgies, and in the handling operations of loads
Reversed abdominal breathing is practised since thousand years in certain techniques of Chinese gymnastics of type IQ Gong. It is taught in many foreign schools of the back at the time of the handling operations of heavy loads or patients. National french Association of the ergotherapists also recommends it since several years. But the majority of the french publications are unaware of its importance.
This article has for goal to sensitize the French-speaking kinesitherapists and by their intermediary the patients with the importance of this technique in the treatment and the prevention of the lumbagos and the dorsalgies.
Cet article a pour but de sensibiliser les kinésithérapeutes francophones et par leur intermédiaire les patients à l'importance de cette technique dans le traitement et la prévention des lombalgies et des dorsalgies.
Reversed abdominal breathing : interest in the lumbagos, sciatic nerves and rachialgies, and in the handling operations of loads
Reversed abdominal breathing is practised since thousand years in certain techniques of Chinese gymnastics of type IQ Gong. It is taught in many foreign schools of the back at the time of the handling operations of heavy loads or patients. National french Association of the ergotherapists also recommends it since several years. But the majority of the french publications are unaware of its importance.
This article has for goal to sensitize the French-speaking kinesitherapists and by their intermediary the patients with the importance of this technique in the treatment and the prevention of the lumbagos and the dorsalgies.