Prise en charge du sevrage tabagique
Kinésithér Scient 2006,465:27-30 - 10/04/2006
Le tabagisme est un facteur de risque important dans le déclenchement et le développement de l'artérite oblitérante des membres inférieurs. Aussi, aider le patient est un acte obligé dans la prise en charge de cette pathologie, que cela soit par les médicaments comme les substituts nicotiniques, le Bupropion (Zyban) et, pour beaucoup, sur le plan psychologique (consultations, thérapies comportementales et cognitives, sophrologie), pour estomper les effets de manque chez les patients sous dépendance, mais aussi pour être catalyseur de la motivation pour la décision d'arrêter et de continuer au long cours de fumer.
L'ancien fumeur est un ex-fumeur et non pas un non-fumeur, et risque souvent de rechuter, c'est-à-dire de reprendre à fumer.
Management of the cessation of smoking
Smoking is a significant risk factor in the causation and aggravation of arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities. Therefore, helping the patient is an absolute necessity in the management of this condition, either by means of medications such as nicotine substitutes, Bupropion (Zyban) and, to a large extent, by psychological means (consultations, behavioral and cognitive therapies, sophrology), to tone down the withdrawal symptoms in the patients who are addicted, but also to act as a motivational catalyst for the decision to stop smoking and continue doing so in the long term.
A former smoker is an ex-smoker, not a nonsmoker, and is often at risk of having a relapse, that is, starting smoking again.
L'ancien fumeur est un ex-fumeur et non pas un non-fumeur, et risque souvent de rechuter, c'est-à-dire de reprendre à fumer.
Management of the cessation of smoking
Smoking is a significant risk factor in the causation and aggravation of arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities. Therefore, helping the patient is an absolute necessity in the management of this condition, either by means of medications such as nicotine substitutes, Bupropion (Zyban) and, to a large extent, by psychological means (consultations, behavioral and cognitive therapies, sophrology), to tone down the withdrawal symptoms in the patients who are addicted, but also to act as a motivational catalyst for the decision to stop smoking and continue doing so in the long term.
A former smoker is an ex-smoker, not a nonsmoker, and is often at risk of having a relapse, that is, starting smoking again.