De l'évaluation à l'amélioration de la qualitéde vie des blessés médullaires
Kinésithér Scient 2008,493:05-20 - 10/11/2008
Cet article présente, à partir d'un cas concret, l'approche de la rééducation des blessés médullaires à partir de leur handicap. L'amélioration de l'indépendance au fauteuil doit être favorisée par des mises en situations fonctionnelles. Par ailleurs, la connaissance des diverses complications doit assurer un complément éducatif. Au final, c est l'évaluation de leur qualité de vie qui permet d'élaborer un projet de rééducation, en adéquation avec leur ressenti du handicap afin de cerner au mieux leurs besoins, le but étant de préserver le plus longtemps possible leur avenir fonctionnel et, ainsi, influer positivement sur leur qualité de vie à long terme.
Based on a case study, this article presents the re-education of spinal cord injured patients from their disability. The improvement in wheelchair independence should be favoured by the use of functional situations. Moreover, an understanding of different complications should provide an educative complement. In short, the assessment of their quality of life is used to develop a re-education project that complies with the experience of the disability in order to best determine the needs. The purpose is to maintain the functional future as long as possible and thereby have a positive influence on long term quality of life.
Based on a case study, this article presents the re-education of spinal cord injured patients from their disability. The improvement in wheelchair independence should be favoured by the use of functional situations. Moreover, an understanding of different complications should provide an educative complement. In short, the assessment of their quality of life is used to develop a re-education project that complies with the experience of the disability in order to best determine the needs. The purpose is to maintain the functional future as long as possible and thereby have a positive influence on long term quality of life.