Education à l'aérosolthérapie du patient atteint de mucoviscidose
Kinésithér Scient 2005,452:5-11 - 10/02/2005
Préoccupés par la bonne application des prescriptions d'aérosolthérapie aux patients atteints de mucoviscidose, un groupe de travail de 21 personnes comprenant les 6 professions concernées par l'aérosolthérapie s'est constitué. Il a repris la rédaction de la prescription médicale initiale, construit le message thérapeutique, éducatif, que chacun d'entre nous, professionnels prenant en charge ce patient sous aérosolthérapie, délivre au fil des jours. Il a également rédigé une Charte de bonnes pratiques avec et pour les prestataires de services au domicile du patient.
Ces documents sont utilisés en Ouest-Bretagne depuis juin 2003. Ils ont été validés en juin 2004.
Education in aerosoltherapy of the cystic fibrosis patient
We report on an action concerning aerosoltherapy lasting one year aimed at creating consensus/protocol documents for professionals using aerosoltherapy for CF patients.
During one year, 6 meetings of 21 persons took place including medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists and representatives of private business/enterprises renting out medical equipment. Using rigorous methodology, we determined detailed descriptions of work methods and highlighted any weak points.
These weak points were then resolved by small multi-professional working groups.
Finally, we validated :
- a teaching method applied to all professionals using aerosoltherapy for CF patients so as to enable each patient to receive the same instructions regardless of which professional was concerned ,
- a Charter to be signed by our expert center for CF" and privat businesses renting out medical equipment (signed by 9 businesses at time of reporting) ,
- a more precise medical prescription model for the patient based on national recommendations ,
- a model of medical equipment prescription for rental businesses to provide detailed informations on type/name of equipment, delivery, interface, number of nebulizers per days, drugs administered.
These documents are used by professionnals in the western part of Brittany (France) since june 2003.
Ces documents sont utilisés en Ouest-Bretagne depuis juin 2003. Ils ont été validés en juin 2004.
Education in aerosoltherapy of the cystic fibrosis patient
We report on an action concerning aerosoltherapy lasting one year aimed at creating consensus/protocol documents for professionals using aerosoltherapy for CF patients.
During one year, 6 meetings of 21 persons took place including medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists and representatives of private business/enterprises renting out medical equipment. Using rigorous methodology, we determined detailed descriptions of work methods and highlighted any weak points.
These weak points were then resolved by small multi-professional working groups.
Finally, we validated :
- a teaching method applied to all professionals using aerosoltherapy for CF patients so as to enable each patient to receive the same instructions regardless of which professional was concerned ,
- a Charter to be signed by our expert center for CF" and privat businesses renting out medical equipment (signed by 9 businesses at time of reporting) ,
- a more precise medical prescription model for the patient based on national recommendations ,
- a model of medical equipment prescription for rental businesses to provide detailed informations on type/name of equipment, delivery, interface, number of nebulizers per days, drugs administered.
These documents are used by professionnals in the western part of Brittany (France) since june 2003.