Les soins individuels spécifiques de masso-kinésithérapie de lartériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs en dehors de lentraînement physique
Kinésithér Scient 2006,465:41-45 - 10/04/2006
En complément du réentraînement à l'effort, il est important de prendre en charge individuellement les patients les plus gravement atteints par l'artérite par des soins appropriés par le massage réflexe du tissu conjonctif pour l'augmentation du débit sanguin, par le drainage lymphatique manuel et les techniques de massage de type veineux pour les oedèmes de reperméation, l'électrothérapie pour les douleurs et l'augmentation du débit artériel, les mobilisations passive et active des articulations du pied, permettant ainsi un meilleur déroulement du pas pour la marche.
Specific individual care in the form of massage and physical therapy in arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities aside from physical training
Specific individual care in the form of massage and physical therapy in arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities, aside from physical training.
In addition to strength training, it is important to treat individually the patients most severely affected by arteritis by means of appropriate care through reflex massage of the connective tissue to increase blood flow, manual lymphatic drainage and massage techniques to speed venous return in repermeation edemas, electrotherapy for pain and to increase arterial blood flow, foot-joint passive and active mobilizations, in order to provide a better step movement for walking.
Specific individual care in the form of massage and physical therapy in arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities aside from physical training
Specific individual care in the form of massage and physical therapy in arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities, aside from physical training.
In addition to strength training, it is important to treat individually the patients most severely affected by arteritis by means of appropriate care through reflex massage of the connective tissue to increase blood flow, manual lymphatic drainage and massage techniques to speed venous return in repermeation edemas, electrotherapy for pain and to increase arterial blood flow, foot-joint passive and active mobilizations, in order to provide a better step movement for walking.